Charles Blood |
Charles Blood, farmer, section 27, Ashland Township, was born in Alpine, Kent Co., Mich., July 8, 1839, and is the son of Francis and Amy (Bigelow) Blood. The parents were natives of New York, and after their marriage became residents of Alpine, whence they removed to Walker Township, where the father engaged in establishing mail routes and stage lines. The son became a driver for his father and continued in the calling until he was 18 years old.
Mr. Blood's father gave him a deed to 80 acres of land on section 28, and at the age named above he located thereon, obtained some farming land adjoining and built a small house. He was married in Grant Township, Nov. 9, 1861, to Hannah, daughter of Willard and Eliza (Whitney) Post. She was born Aug. 27, 1842, in Orleans Co., N. Y., of which State her parents were also natives. In 1844 the family settled in Hillsdale Co., Mich., locating on a farm in Somerset Township. When the daughter was 17 years old they came to Grant, Ashland Township.
After marriage Mr.Blood established himself on his farm, to which he has given his best energies and secured an additional acreage until he now owns 255 acres, in one of the best locations in the county. His farm ranks among the finest in the township, and he is rated as one of the most practical and progressive farmers in Northern Michigan. His farm and fixtures give manifest evidence to the average observer of his industry and sound judgment. His handsome residence is an ornament to his farm and a credit to the township. He is a Republican in political sentiment, and connected with the Masonic Order, Lodge No. 131, at Newaygo, in which body he has officiated as Treasurer two years. Himself and wife are members of the Order of Patrons of Husbandry, Lodge No. 545, at Ashland Center. Mr. and Mrs. Blood are the parents of eight children, all of whom survive and were born as follows: Lula L., April 28, 1863; Alice L., May 5, 1865; Irene, Aug., 31, 1868; Jennie, April 27, 1870; Nellie, July 25, 1872; C. Albert, July 25, 1874; Wilber, Dec. 10, 1879, Kittie E., Nov. 17, 1881.
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